...home for creative emerging black playwrights
We appreciate your support!
liberation [lib-uh-rey-shuh n] noun - the act or fact of gaining equal rights or economic opportunities for a particular group.
theatre [thee-uh-ter, theeuh -] noun - dramatic works collectively.
company [kuhm-puh-nee] noun - an assemblage of persons united for joint action.
Without community, there is no liberation. Audre Lorde
Liberation Theatre Company is building community - a community of Black playwrights with something to say and the determination to find their place in the American theatre.
We’ve been building a community for the past fourteen years:
• Through writing groups for beginning playwrights
• Thirteen years of the OBIE Award-winning 48Hours in...™Harlem ten-minute play festival and its spinoff festivals 48Hours in…™El Bronx, 48Hours in…™ Detroit, 48Hours in…™ Holy Ground, and 48Hours in…™ Dallas.
• Seven published anthologies of plays from those festivals
• And our now six-year-old project, the Liberation Theatre Company Writing Residency Program, supporting four emerging playwrights over ten months towards completion of a new original play.
Our efforts have benefited over 100 new, early career and established Black playwrights but there are many more out there who desire the kind of professional guidance and exposure that we can give them. You can help us help them.
During this pandemic crisis, we invite you to become part of our family and community. Your generous tax-deductible gift of $25, $50, $100, $250 or any amount you feel comfortable giving, will enable us to continue these programs. More writers will get more opportunities to hone their craft, cultivate relationships with theatre companies and ultimately reinvigorate a theatre community in desperate need of fresh new perspectives. You can make your donation now through the end of the year. Join us and let's build community together.
Liberation Theatre Company is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization. Contributions should be made payable to Fractured Atlas with Liberation Theatre Company in the memo line, and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law. Please send contributions to Spencer Barros, 40 W. 126th Street, Apt. 1R, New York, NY 10027 .
You can also log on to: https://fundraising.fracturedatlas.org/liberation-theatre-company to pay by credit card.
Liberation means you don't have to be silenced. Toni Morrison
For further information, please contact
Sandra A. Daley-Sharif, Founder and Producing Artistic Director
Spencer Scott Barros, Founder and Associate Artistic Director
Bernard J. Tarver, Associate Artistic Director
at: info@liberationtheatrecompany.org

Over the years, Liberation Theatre Company is grateful to these generous donors for making our work possible:
A.R.T./NY, Mary Duke Biddle Foundation, NYSCA, Lynn Handleman Foundation, LMCC, West Harlem Development Corp., Harlem Arts Alliance, Open Meadows Foundation, Pun Bandhu, Brittany Bellizeare, Christopher Davis, Gloria Watts Davis, J. Andrew Dolan, Elizabeth Pantaleoni & David Duchovny, Nancy Feinglass, Francette Foote, Perri Gaffney, Laura and Scott Gewirtz, Carson Gleberman, Deborah Goodwin, Sheri Graubert, Donnetta Grays, Geraldine Gregg, Marguerite Ho, Mike Hodge, Kristin Horton, Wayne Jelks, Marjorie Johnson, Russell Jones, Lisa Kadin, Ariel Kochi, Téa Leoni, Andrea Lepcio, Jennifer Leshem, Eric Lockley, Margie Loeb, Anne Markowitz, MayDecember Productions, Inc, Jonathan McCrory, Kim Merrill, Tuck Milligan, Rondy Miller, New York University - The Tisch School of the Arts, Denise Pelletier, Lori Philipson, Martina Potratz, Stephen Reyes, Sadah Proctor, Jenny Seastone, Nandita Shenoy, Tylie Shider, Heather Simms, Keith R. Smith, Casandra Steele, Elizabeth Stern, Strategic Rehabilitation Services, Cara Naiman & Clark Sugg, Albert Taylor, Bernard J. Tarver, The Rea Charitable Trust, Shona Tucker, Elizabeth Van Dyke, Channie Waites, Gloria Watts-Davis, Connie Wong, C. Bella Wright, Todd and Marla Wyche, Mel Wymore, Nancy Zamudio